Cashed Up-Take Charge Of Your Spending (2024)

Course Overview

Welcome to Cashed Up – Take Charge Of Your Spending. Completing this course will help you understand how to better manage your money – and maximise the benefits of your spending! As you work through the course, you’ll learn how to manage your spending, develop the skills you need to shop smart, and gain confidence in dealing with credit and debt. 

  • Your teacher will direct your journey through this course. You’ll complete tasks to practise what you’ve learned as you work through the course.
  • This course should take you approximately 4-6 hours to complete.

You will receive your course completion badge when you:

  • Reach 100% progress in your course by working through all the course materials and attempting all tasks.
  • Achieve a total score of 75% across all assessed tasks, including those marked by your teacher.

The Take Charge Of Your Spending course sections are:

  1. Always have a plan.
    Dive into budgeting and recognise that while there are many ways to budget, everyone can apply common budgeting basics.

  2. Be a clever spender.
    Start using some positive financial behaviours to Take Charge Of Your Spending.

  3. Shop smart online.
    Learn how to navigate the world of online shopping and be a savvy spender.

  4. Credit – handle with care!
    Gain confidence in understanding and managing credit and debt.

This course will close on December 20th, 2024. The updated version will be available via the Financial Basics Foundation website in January 2025.

Select Start the course in the banner above to Take Charge Of Your Spending. 

Learning Outcomes
  1. Students choose the appropriate budgeting resources to suit their personal situation.
  2. Students understand why an emergency fund is an essential component of any budget or money management plan.
  3. Students apply positive money habits to their personal financial behaviours.
  4. Students apply smart spending strategies.
  5. Students apply shop smart online strategies to their personal financial behaviours.
  6. Students implement effective strategies to avoid spending scams.
  7. Students understand the steps to take if they are caught in a scam.
  8. Students recognise different types of credit.
  9. Students understand the difference between credit scores and credit reports.
  10. Students understand the difference between good and bad debt.
  11. Students understand the steps to take if they are struggling with debt.
Solutions and Educator Support

Download Cashed Up – Take Charge Of Your Spending educator support resources.

Curriculum Mapping

Download Cashed Up – Take Charge of Your Spending course information and ACARA V.9.0 curriculum mapping.

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